April 2019 Meeting – County Stormwater Management Program

For Presentation – Click below:

2019-04_Flood Duration Reduction Presentation


Pictures from meeting:

Pres. Jack Ratterman Introducing Brevard County Commissioner Bryan Lober

D2 Commissioner Bryan Lober introducing presentation of Status of Brevard County Flood Duration Reduction Projects to NMIHOA April 1st meeting attendees

John Denninghoff addressing crowd

John Denninghoff

Robbyn Spratt P.E. ,Watershed Management Program Stormwater Engineer for Brevard County Natural Resources Management Department explaining scope and goals of storm water management projects

Bach McClure, Stormwater Program Administrator for
Brevard County Natural Resources, shows map of NMI with locations of Staff Guages and explains “Adopt a Staff Guage” volunteer program

Meeting Attendees examine NMI Map showing locations of drainage issues

Attendees sign up for “Adopt a Staff Guage” Project (email Robbyn.Spratt@BrevardFL.gov if interested in helping)

Studying NMI Map

Studying NMI Map

North Merritt Island HOA Board Meeting